
The Ultimate Content Marketing Strategy for B2B and B2C

Hey People!

This is Emil Eji, your Host, and Welcome to the Third Episode of  “The Marketing Manifest” Podcast.

In this podcast, we have Novnish Ramesh, Content & Campaign Marketing Manager at Egis Easystrips Services. talking about “Why businesses need Content Marketing to take their brand to the next level?”

He has given some amazing insights about how Content Marketing plays an important role in all businesses and how Content Marketing comes into place especially for a B2B or a B2C

Listen now to know more!

Content Marketing Playbook for SMB’s

In this edition of Paperflite’s talk-show series titled ‘Cuppa Press‘, we decided to take the bull (read Content Marketing) by its horns. 

“Content Marketing has seen a boom and the biggest brands in the world want a slice of this”, says Novnish Ramesh, and rightly so. 

According to HubSpot, 70% of marketers are actively investing in content marketing today.

Having worked as a Content Marketer across various industries such as Pharmaceutical and Gaming, Novnish has seen companies succeed and fail over the course of the last decade in light on content marketing.

So we sat down to address the following topics in this episode of Cuppa Press:

  • Why do most Small and Medium-sized Businesses fail in Content Marketing?
  • Content Strategy and Marketing
  • Earliest form of Content Marketing

Porttitor quam dolor

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  • Egestas pellentesque integer amet non ac
  • Scelerisque tincidunt integer vulputate eget eget
  • Sit interdum platea arcu molestie pharetra elementum dictum
  • Vulputate feugiat semper hac sed rutrum

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